The Bachelor is coming on telly.
I am angry.
Firstly because it is cutting into Offspring time. Yes I know Offspring *may* have jumped the shark, but it is still holy to me. Nina's outfits are on point this season. There is the hot dude from The Beautiful Lie coming on tonight, with a cameo from HRH Waleed Aly. THEY CAN'T DO THIS.
Mainly because the premise of The Bachelor is just wrong.
Beautiful women who mainly look a certain way. None above a size 10. Most caucasian. All with long hair. Intelligent enough but not enough to be threatening.
All throwing themselves at a guy who, while handsome, seems a little dull. With seemingly no regard for whether they actually are interested in Bachie. There was one lady in NZ bachelor who refused a rose. Respect.
In this day and age, we should be teaching young women that they don't have to throw themselves at a fella, that their desires matter, that they don't have to look a certain way in a frock, that they don't have to go for a guy just because the guy shows an interest. They have to be "cool" with throwing themselves off a plane or the fact he is pashing other girls.
There is so much wrong with it that I literally can't even.

Anyway, with regard to box jumps, they are coming along
We have a coach that says that my attitude towards them is all wrong.
I am making too big a thing of them, and have a learned fear of them. I can jump the height fine (over a stick put on top of the box) , but not on the box.
What I need to do is deal with them with the same confidence that I approach a deadlift. A "yep, I got this" approach. Then they won't be a big deal.
To use a bachelor analogy, I am trying too hard to impress Richie (Richie is the box). I have to be cool, or Richie (the box) won't respect me.