Saturday, 21 July 2018

Phatty McWaddlebum. Significant relationships.

I am now 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant (not like I am counting or anything).

I have just copped my third cold of this pregnancy. I used to go 18 months without getting a cold. Now I get whatever is going around. I am now expert in the good/bad/ugly of cold symptom modification. Read the US baby/mothering websites and they will tell you that pretty much nothing is safe to use in pregnancy, so suffer in your jocks, ladies.

I am a bit of a ninja with google scholar, and a keen reader of the medical literature.
FOR ME (ie this is not medical advice) I can summarise things as such: Nasal vasoconstrictor sprays, nasal steroids,  Inhaled corticosteroids, older antihistamines, codiene to suppress cough - all fine especially beyond first trimester and not too late in pregnancy, and with no more than a few days use at a time. My gp echoes these recommendations.

Read the internet mothering websites, especially those from the US, and the information regarding pregnancy can be summarised as:
Look, ladies, living is potentially harmful to your growing baby, hence it's probably safest to sit inside your home and do and eat and drink nothing, because you wouldn't want to hurt your baby now, would you?

Generally, and on balance, I am feeling good. I am continuing to do crossfit. I feel (perhaps for the first time in my adult life) beautiful. I am working hard and have reasonable amounts of energy. I am not that hungry at the moment as my uterus expands to abut my stomach.

We've just moved house, like 2 weeks ago, awaiting the knockdown and rebuild on our property. The house was in a fairly substandard state, and things ticked off on the condition report as working and fine were not indeed working and fine. Hence the property manager found himself torn a new bum-hole by an exhausted pregnant lady. Things are getting fixed, but we are still without an oven. My partner is liaising with the property manager, which is probably best for the property manager.

So I am nice and busy and enjoying life. Generally. Apart from a few things. Because nothing is ever perfect, right.


I have alluded to it on this blog a few times but not spelled it out.
To summarise, my childhood was shitty, and I have clawed my way out of it, via hard work, >$10000 worth of therapy, and being brave.

How was it shit?
Without going into too much detail - my father was a horrible, wife beating alcoholic who passed away (in traumatic circumstances) when I was 14. I miss having a dad, but I am relieved he is gone.
My mum and him split up when I was 10. Very bravely, I must say, because nobody gave a shit about family violence in those days. Thereafter was punctuated with long periods of her being badly depressed and confined to bed (nobody gave a shit about that either), mostly enough money to keep a roof over our heads and keep us fed (but substantial money worry invading my consciousness from an early age) but none for anything nice. I was good at school and had some friends, but many other kids bullied me (nobody gave a shit about bullying either). I didn't think at first that it worried me, but deep down, it did.

Hence I got into uni, got together with the first guy who showed an interest (we all know how that turned out), moved out as soon as I was able. Things went fine for a few years until they didn't. Things, very understandably, caught up with me, and I continue to have to face up to the consequences. It's not my fault, but it is my life, my responsibility. I have the brains and the means and I consider myself lucky to be able to manage things as I do, and live my best life.

These childhood issues have played out interestingly (!) in pregnancy. Pregnancy has a way of bringing back past traumas. I'm dealing with it.

The other thing is the relationship with my mum.

I have not had any significant emotional or material support from her in 20 years or so. My younger brother and sister had more difficult adolescent periods than I, and this took up a lot of my mum's energy, so I asked her for nothing, expected nothing. Years later, they left home, and, rather than my mum spreading her wings and living the life she deserves without having to worry how she will raise children, she has become rudderless and self-sabotaging. There have again been long periods of depression. My brother has not been able to hold down a proper job in, like, forever, and he sponges off her, but she won't stand up to it. She never has any money despite working full time in a reasonable job, and abuses her health by smoking, not exercising, not eating properly and staying up all night watching youtube.

At times I have felt responsible for her, and there has been quite a bit of reverse-parenting.

I've gotten a bit jack of that, to be honest.

I have become a fiercely independent woman, yet I still yearn for some occasional nurturing. I try to get it where I can, and I have many friends. I have long stopped expecting any of it from mum. She offers to help sometimes but I generally decline.

She sees the birth of grandchildren as redemptive for her. She is much more "my grandchild" than "the child of my children". I saw lots of unpleasantries go down between her and my sister when my niece was born. Mum decompensated in a big way when her first grandchild was born. I think it bought back lots of sad memories for her, which she has not yet reconciled.

Mum says she wants to look after the baby when I work, which is nice, but I have my doubts about how this will play out.

I suppose things crystallised last weekend. She came to my place, reeking of cigarette smoke. I had lunch for her, made her cups of tea, listened to her talking. I don't really say much about myself, because her hearing is poor, and she interrupts often.

After a solid week at work, and a house move, this was the first time I had sat down all week. I hit a wall very quickly. I just wanted to go to bed. Rather than "poor thing, you must be exhausted" she commented on a grey hair I had sprouting out, and said that she would take as long as she wanted to drink her cup of tea "just to piss you off".

That night, I went to my friends place for dinner. His mum, who I have met a few times, was visiting from Singapore. She was cooking up a storm. She had found out that I liked a particular Asian dish, and made it just for me. She bought me food and took my plates and gave me a hug and rubbed my belly. It was nice. I was tired and bade farewells not too long after. The contrast was stark.

I think some boundaries need to be set. I am working with my very talented therapist who have been seeing on and off for the past 7 years. She will help me. I will be accused by my mum of "using the baby as a weapon against her" (or some such, she levelled similar at my sister when my sister attempted to set the same) but I am a bit beyond caring. I have unfortunately gotten to a point where it is neither here nor there if I don't see or speak to her in a month or more. That is saying something.

Anyway, that is probably the most "real" I have been for a while, congrats on getting this far.


  1. C, you are a wonderful, wonderful woman. I don't know what else to say.

    SSG xxx

  2. Thank you for such an honest post. My advice would be that no matter what, put yourself, your baby and your relationship first. For everyone I think being a parent causes you to reflect, for better or worse, on your experience of being parented and this can be very challenging!!! I’ve had a significant career (now retired) but being a mum is the best job ever and I loved all of it. Relish and enjoy everything and if your mum can’t enjoy it with you, don’t let that distract you from loving your new job as a mum! Al my best wishes for the next twelves weeks too! Xxx

  3. Dear Cilosophy,
    My children are grown, and I had less of a ideal childhood due both my parents having significant illnesses while I was young, my mother died of brain cancer when I was 12, my father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was a newborn and was not ambulatory, among other things. I look back in wonder at how I made it through. I am a very independent person now, for sure.
    But what I want to say, I was deprived of care growing up. I feel it every day.
    I found when I had my babies 30 yrs ago, I experienced much healing by mothering them. I can’t tell you how that worked, it’s not about the babies loving back, but somehow loving them helped me make up for love I felt missing in my childhood.

  4. Cheering you on, yay for growing bigger and stronger - both of you. Those who had the full on nurturing childhood we all deserve cannot possibly understand the ache the difference gives you. Having a baby of your own brings all of that up and 15 years into the adventure of motherhood, it has never gone for me. As each milestone comes and gos there is the plus of experiencing a safe secure loving childhood simply by creating one for your child. Hugs Sam (Not a very ‘fun’ or ‘upbeat response’ sorry clearly have some work to do myself on this one!)

  5. I’ve read your blog for about 3 years now and this is the first time I have commented. Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy - such wonderful news and ai wish you all the best! My childhood was quite similar to yours with a violent alcoholic father. My mother is a narcissist, something that strangely escaped me until I saw a shrink in my late 30’s to deal with my childhood. I always thought I was a rotten kid, amazing how narcs twist things onto others. The point of my comment is this: your family are dysfunctional and toxic to the point where you’ve spent thousands on therapy. You’re brave and resilient but please please please keep toxic family away from your baby. Trust me, I thought my family would treat my kids better but basically if you treat your own kids like crap, then you’ll treat your grandchildren like crap. Unfortunately I have had to go no contact with my parents to protect my children.

    1. I have to second this Anon as a daughter of another narcissist mother who had a mentally unwell mother (pyromania, borderline personality disorder, hoarder....) herself. Any difficulty or dramas you may have as a result of cutting off contact will be worth it in the long term for shielding your child from the dysfunction and poison. Every best wish for your new life with your bb.

  6. Sending you all the love... and empathy and hugs for the family stuff. And three cheers for top therapists <3 s.dogg xxox

  7. After reading your post I felt I needed to comment but didn’t know what to say. Having children is hard and without support it is very hard. But to me after >10yrs of infertility (so I do understand) it is worth it. You have come through a lot of things and it appears you know when to ask for help. I struggled on my own (married but husband isn’t the best help, mother also narcissistic tendencies and MIL actively tried to destroy me) and I don’t think that was the best choice (I did pay $5.5k on some mentoring thing and that was a bad decision - never thought about getting a psychologist).
    Try not to get down, my biggest regret was letting them get to me. The wonderful thing about people whom have wonderful families is watching them enjoy parenthood as they don’t have that negative energy around them. You deserve to enjoy this time.
    It’s great you are building a house so you can have exactly what you and your family need.

  8. Oh wow. You are amazing Cilia. While the back-story is different, I find myself in a similar predicament with my mother. It's reassuring to hear other confronting difficult relationships with their mother as they too become mothers. For me, I was terrified that I would continue this legacy, burden my child with this baggage - but I don't think it has to be that way. It has been so easy to love my son, and I hope I can continue to support him in a way that helps him grow to be a healthy, mature and independent person.
    Childcare is also great. Despite the viral illnesses, I have found it to be a really positive experience for all of us. It's a very nurturing and uncomplicated environment - especially when you compare to an alternative negotiating complex relationships with parents and their particular psycho-social-emotional needs. Little people are sponges for the emotions in the room.

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